Player in the HVAC market, for more than 30 years, we act to bring solutions and answers through features dedicated to the future. This approach results into equipments known for their efficiency.
The commitment made, among others, in France by the Grenelle environment agreement, became a reality which is now a requirement : energy consumption in buildings must be significantly reduced. This statement is thus reflected at the European level with the ErP 2009/125/EC Directive that sets the goal of reducing, in 2020, CO2 emissions by 20% and at the French level with the RT2012 Thermal Regulation which states that the consumption of primary energy for new buildings should fall from 150, on average, to 50 kWhEP/m²/year. This goal, initiated by the Grenelle environment agreement, aims to generalize low consumption buildings.
To meet these requirements, CALADAIR undertook significant investments in creating the BLUETECH™ concept, which reflects a technical approach, a stated choice to design powerful and efficient equipment and HVAC systems which offer econological™ solutions.
Various studies show that we live 80% of our time in a confined space. This environment takes more and more space in our daily lives et implies an important setup of energy resources to maintain the right temperature and the air quality.
To limit the energy-consuming aspect of buildings, a global approach of the HVAC system (ventilation, hot, cold) is a undeniable source of energy saving. The BLUETECH™ concept is the CALADAIR econological™ solution, outcome of developments undertaken for several years, guarantor of our environment policy and our will to act in favour of technologies that reduce energy expenditures and CO2 emissions.
Thus, our BLUETECH™ concept is to implement, design, develop and innovate in solutions that drive our approach of the future everyday™. While improving needs of comfort, BLUETECH™ is the concept that is thanks to ventilation to reduce the energy consumption of buildings based on key principles

Optimize the needs with respect to the actual use of the building and not in permanent response to ad hoc requests (for example : operation of a cafeteria, meeting room, cinema, conference center, housing building…).
This ventilation controlled and chosen is part of our WONDEROOM™ solution, a zoning controller, communicating and multifunction ensuring suitable and optimal energy sources to be deployed in a building and allowing to manage several instructions at the same time (temperature, CO2, humidity). Also, our BLUETECH™ concept allows you to adapt the flow and so to limit the waste through the air flow modulations DIVA™ (proportional ventilation), LOBBY™ (variable flow rate at constant pressure), and QUATTRO (proportional constant flow), included in our products equipped with EC motors.

This obvious energy approach consists in re-using energy produced in heating and cooling systems. This optimization is, for a long time, one of the objectives of our approach in Research and Development, confirmed for more than 10 years by our double flow units allowing more than 80% with our ranges with rotary exchanger FREETIME™, HEXAMOTION™ and EXAECO™ and more than 90% with our ranges SILVERTOP™, NEOTIME™ and CARMA™ equipped with countercurrent heat exchanger.

Each building, each geographic location, each use bring constraints and special requirements. Until now, and traditionally, the ventilation system responded to a constant air flow. Today, the air flow variation adjusted to the demand is obvious. At the heart of the BLUETECH™ concept, the technology of EC motors (electronic commutation) used in all our ranges of simple air flow or air handling energy recovery units, as well as our control systems LOBBY™ (variable flow rate at constant pressure) associated to housing buiding units (400°C-1/2H), are real generators of energy savings (up to 80%). To This, our fonction FEE™, Free Energy Efficiency, part of our Energy Recovery Unit range EXAECO™ and multifunctions THERMOVER™, allows the optimization of energy needsto make gains consumption of 40%. This technology deployed within the BLUETECH™ concept meet the requirement of the ErP2018 regulation.
At the service of overall well-being, the BLUETECH™ concept ensures a suitable and optimal use of ventilation systems. The proposed equipments are all PLUG & PLAY with a powerful, efficient and communicating control system (MODBUS, LON, TCP/IP, BACNET, WEB…) that contributes, on one hand, to active efficiency for buildings (EN 15232) and on the other hand to potential savings of thermal energy without neglecting the climate, acoustic comfort and suitable air quality and specific to eeach type of building.
Today the air inside is on average 5 to 20 times more polluted than outside air. Yet, we spend 70 to 80% of our time in enclosed spaces (AFSSET source). This observation reveals the negative impact of pollution of indoor air comfort and well-being. This indoor air contains pollutants, microorganisms, viruses and mold in greater concentration than the air outside. Furthermore, the trend to design buildings with low energy consumption accentuates the phenomenon of containment and concentration of these pollutants. Today, the quality of the indoor air becomes a major public health issue, one of the major subjects studied by health authorities. This concern is the source of intense law work, which will soon lead to the creation of indoor air quality standards, as it was previously for the outside air.
Ths issue is a permanent concern in our R&D work and is being put into implementation in all our simple air flow and energy recovery units by a management and a control optimum of air quality thanks to the CO2 probes built into our equipments to ensure good Indoor Air Quality.
All our equipments integrate the management of this problematic through our CLEARMOTION™ program dedicated to the permanent control of the Indoor Air Quality of the buildings by the implementation of a follow-up of the CO2 levels, warning signals of filter fouling, adapted flow management by our EASY regulations.